Friday, March 26, 2010

#017 - Astrovamps

Not so much an industrial band anymore, but since it's somewhere linked to industrial also lets check this also. Coming from Los Angeles Astrovamps is described as death rock band. I'd say this is more like b-movie kinda horror punk, which I usually like quite a lot. Founded early 90s and they released four albums before disbanding late 2007.

As mentioned I'm quite into this kind of dark, ironic and sinister punk that can be described as musical version of b-movies. But unfortunately I have to admit that, I don't like Astrovamps version so much. It just not go far enough and everything seems just too sloppy. This has been done so much better also that I just don't like to waste my time too much on this one. You either got IT or not and my verdict on this case is: you don't have IT.

Here's one sample from their Amerikan Gothick (2004) album song called Alice in Gothland (SIC!).

Some links:

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