Wednesday, February 10, 2010

#008 - American Head Charge

This is something that I would have listened ten years ago and then I'd have said that sounds quite good. But nowadays...This is just too "mainstream american alternative metal to the masses" to me. Some harsher parts of that sounds still quite nice, but overall I just get bored.

I've actually seen these guys, who actually called it quits just end of last year, once in Finland when they were supporting Slipknot about 8 years ago. Wasn't too impressed then either though, just wondered then why the hell they need to have two keyboard players on stage, when you actually can't hear either of them. All they did there was headbanging with their keyboards.

I was kind of surprised when I now noticed that they actually released that one major label album they made via American Recordings owned by legendary producer Rick Rubin. Seems that even Rick can make bad calls when signing bands.

This is one of the better tracks from that The War of Art album released 2001. No idea what this video is, but seem to feature Christian Bale killing many "troopers".

Some links:

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